Term | Meaning |
Altar |
Altar, covered with ciborum, ciborum covered by a dome.
In order importance: alter, ciborum, apse or dome (represents heaven)
click here. |
Apse | A dome (over a ciborium) click here. |
Capitol | The top part of a column that bears weight (and has a distinctive design) click here. |
Ciborium | Vaulted canopy on four pillars, usually over an altar click here. |
Column | The top of the column called the capitol, bottom of the column called the plinth click here. |
Cornice | Ornamental molding around a wall, just below a ceiling. |
Intarsia | Marquetry (wood inlay, not ivory inlay). |
Lintel | A horizontal stone slab resting on beams or posts in a doorway click here. |
Lunette | A half-moon shaped structure above a door click here. |
Pilaster | A rectangular column (often ornamental, projecting from a wall: not standing independently). |
Plinth | The base upon which a column rests click here. |
Portico | A roof structure resting upon columns (different orders possible) in a temple or church click here. |
Trabeation | Beams rather than arches or vaulting in an architectural construction. |
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